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Celebrating Personal Growth & Transformation

Sunday 28th April 


Online (free for members)


As we enter the month of April, a time when nature gently shifts and transitions, it presents us with a wonderful chance to pause and reflect on our own personal growth and transformation. In our yoga classes, we embrace this opportunity fully, creating a space where we can explore themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the beauty of embracing change.


Just like the flowers that bloom and the leaves that unfurl during this season, our practice becomes a journey of renewal and self-exploration. With each breath, we are reminded of our capacity to evolve and adapt, much like the natural world around us.

Throughout our time on the mat, we infuse our movements with the idea of resilience, reminding ourselves of the inner strength we possess to navigate life's ups and downs with grace and courage. Through simple yet powerful sequences, I invite you to connect deeply with yourself, setting intentions for growth and healing both within and beyond the confines of our yoga space. As we move and breathe together, I encourage you to take this moment for introspection, allowing yourself to find clarity amidst the ever-changing landscape of life. 


And as our practice draws to a close, take a moment to acknowledge the progress you've made and the obstacles you've overcome (optional journalling). Let this class serve as a reminder of your boundless potential for transformation, carrying the lessons learned on the mat with you as you continue along your journey of self-discovery and growth.


Free for members

£8.99 for non-members

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